Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sir Jacob's Daily Photo, Queen Victoria in Amsterdam

Today i am introducing a new Segment,

Sir Jacob's Daily Photograph.
i which i present a photograph, and a short description.Updated Daily.

Her Highness may no longer be with us, but her style, and the style of the era remains, as illustrated by What looks like a Former Victorian Mansion, in Amsterdam , Holland, in the Netherlands.

That is all for today,
Best Regards,

a Profile of the Members of Dr. Zachary Smith's Exploratory Force

Good Day, And welcome to a Profile of the Members of Dr. Zachary Smith's Exploratory Force. My Name is Sir Jacob, Sir to you. today we shall be profiling:

Private Lawrence Wilson Fitzgerald
Gender: Male
Nationality: Legopolian {Legopolis}
Reason for Leaving Home Country: compulsory {part of his training for the Royal Legopolis Armed Forces}
Profession:Private in The Royal Legopolis Armed Forces.
Weapon of choice:blunderbuss
Affiliations:Dr. Zachary Smiths Exploratory Force,The Royal Legopolis Armed Forces,

That is all for today,
Best Regards,

where is the continuing adventures of dr zachary!?

well, just hang in there, the story has moved, and will be here at its new time, at 8:10 AM Tuesday the 17th, in the mean time enjoy today's episode of: A profile of Dr Zachary Smiths Exploratory force,

That is all for today,
Best Regards,