Saturday, February 23, 2013

Florence: The Graveyard of San Miniato al Monte

THEY call it the Remembrance Park.
  I like a graveyard, mostly because it makes me feel better about my character names, a lot of real people had crazy names. You’ll see.

One day we had some time, and Dad wanted to walk. So we took a taxi to the church on the hill, just up the hill actually from where David used to be, and walked back. 
Around back of this church is a really great graveyard, huge and cool and free.

Detail: Establishing shot for the cool bust.

Portrait: This is the sort of bust I’d like to have over my grave. 
 I mean look at him, he just doesn’t care. 
Most people when they’re posing for their busts comb their hair, put on a suit and take off their hat.
Not this guy! He doesn’t care!
Good job, guy.

Detail: Mark Yesterday

Detail: James Strong, and his wife, White Strong. 

Detail: The Write family.

Detail: Ms. Death Party.
{Not actually what her name was, but it’s what it looks like.}

Detail: These Celts kind of surprised me. 
How did they get all the way down here?

These little buildings were everywhere, the signs called them “Chapels” and they were like a tiny church built over your dead relative. 
Dad wants to build one like this is our yard. 

Panorama: My best Panorama of Florence.

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